Sunday 3 September 2017

Implement a C program to print all root to leaf paths of a BST

struct tnode  {
          int data;
          struct tnode * leftc;
          struct tnode * rightc;

void insert(struct tnode **, int num);
void inorder(struct tnode * s);
int max(int a, int b);
int height(struct tnode* node);
int diameter(struct tnode * tree);

int main()  {
          struct tnode * root=NULL;
          char ch[5];
          int num;
          do {
                   printf("Enter the element to be inserted in the tree\n");
                   insert(&root, num);
                   printf("Do you want to insert another element?\n");
          printf("The elements in the tree are");
          printf("The diameter of the tree is %d\n",diameter(root));
          return 0;

void insert(struct tnode ** s, int num) {
          if((*s) == NULL) {
                   (*s) = (struct tnode *) malloc( sizeof (struct tnode));
                   (*s)->data = num;
                   (*s)->leftc = NULL;
                   (*s)->rightc = NULL;
          else    {
                   if(num < (*s)->data)
                     insert(&( (*s)->leftc ), num);
                     insert(&( (*s)->rightc ), num);

void inorder(struct tnode * s)  {
          if(s != NULL)
                   printf(" %d",s->data);

int diameter(struct tnode * tree)  {
   if (tree == NULL)
     return 0;
  int lefthigh = height(tree->leftc);
  int righthigh = height(tree->rightc);
  int leftdia = diameter(tree->leftc);
  int rightdia = diameter(tree->rightc);
return max(lefthigh + righthigh + 1, max(leftdia, rightdia));

int height(struct tnode* node)  {
   if(node == NULL)
       return 0;
   return 1 + max(height(node->leftc), height(node->rightc));

int max(int a, int b)  {
  return (a >= b)? a: b;

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